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Framework Counselling

Framework Counselling

How to Manage Anger

How to Manage Anger

Anger management counseling aims to help individuals recognize, understand, and appropriately manage their anger responses. This kind of counseling can be effective for those who find their anger difficult to control, leading to problems in relationships, work, or other areas of life.

Here’s a broad overview of what anger management counseling might entail:

Assessment: An initial assessment can help determine the severity of the anger problem and understand its triggers.

Understanding Anger: It’s essential for individuals to understand that anger, in itself, is not “bad”. It’s a natural emotion that can even be constructive if channeled correctly. The problem arises when it’s expressed inappropriately or if it becomes overwhelming.

Identifying Triggers: A key step is identifying situations, thoughts, or feelings that trigger anger. Recognizing these can help in developing strategies to avoid or cope with them.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This is a common approach in anger management. It involves identifying negative thought patterns and learning to challenge and change them.

Relaxation Techniques: Breathing exercises, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation can be useful in calming down when feeling angry.

Communication Skills: Improving communication can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. Learning to express oneself assertively (rather than aggressively) is 3essential.

Problem-solving Skills: Not all problems have solutions, but having a systematic approach to problem-solving: can reduce feelings of frustration.

Avoidance or Altering Situations: Sometimes, it’s possible to simply avoid situations known to trigger anger.

Coping Strategies: These might include using humor to lighten a situation or redirecting energy into constructive activities like exercise.

Seeking Support: Group counseling can be especially helpful since it allows individuals to see how others deal with similar challenges.

Accountability: Some people benefit from having someone to whom they can be accountable for their anger responses.

Homework Assignments: Therapists may provide worksheets, journaling assignments, or other activities to help reinforce skills learned in therapy.

Medication: In some cases, medication can be prescribed to help manage symptoms, especially if there’s an underlying issue like depression or anxiety.

Remember, everyone gets angry sometimes. The goal isn’t to eliminate anger but to manage it effectively. If you or someone you know struggles with anger, it’s a good idea to seek professional help.


Jeffrey Baldock, BA, BSW, MA, MSW

Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist

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